We Wicked Goddesses will wade through the Harry Potter, Twilight, and Crossover fandoms to present you with our picks of the best of the best from each category.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I hope everybody had a fantastic Christmas and New Years. We goddesses sure did. Now, we're going to start 2011 off right by recommending a story that is sure to make you smile. 

Summary: It began when Arthur and Molly are out of the Burrow on Order business and Charlie and Bill are home to babysit. Fred challenges Hermione to think of something fun for them to do and she teaches them a muggle game. But, it continued and the games are afoot.

This story is, hands down, one of  my favorite Harry Potter stories ever. It has the twins pulling pranks and acting crazy. It has Bill and Charlie showing off their bad ass skills. Ron isn't a complete prat. Harry isn't angsty. Sirius is alive. And to top it off, Hermione and Ginny are all sorts of mischievous. Honestly, what more could you want out of a story?

Oh right!

Well this story has that as well. It isn't all fun and games. Grumpy grizzly actually manages to weave a bit of character, plot, and general story development in as well. But what I like most about this fic is that even though it occurs during a time of war, it is not a predominant theme to the story until the later chapters.

At the start of the story, all of the Weasley children plus Hermione and Harry have been left at the Burrow to entertain themselves while the adults attend an Order meeting. Thus starts the games and the groundwork of Charlie and Hermione's romance. And boy are the games a hoot. Grizzly has a seriously wicked mind for concocting some of the situations the characters find themselves in. I bow down to grumpy grizzly's superiority on that front.

Unfortunately, chapter by chapter, the care-free games decrease as the characters age. It's like the plot thickens as the characters mature. Although it is still a very humorous story, the more serious aspects begin to bleed in and our characters find themselves in a time when laughs are few, love is tough, and friends/family are dying on an almost daily basis.

So, go read it and start the new year off with a few good laughs!