We Wicked Goddesses will wade through the Harry Potter, Twilight, and Crossover fandoms to present you with our picks of the best of the best from each category.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Crossover Friday

Since our dear Banana Flavored Eskimo is still sick (poor thing), this is Deep and Devastating covering her segment for the week. And I'm here to tell y'all about a crossover that was recommended to me by one of my readers.

Summary: I, Bella Swan, didn't get a happy ending. I got 500 years as an immortal and now they want me to escort a small person to destroy a ring of power. Why not? it's not like I'm doing much else with the rest of my eternity. 

So, when I received the link for this story... I wasn't that interested in checking it out because I just didn't understand how in the hell Twilight and Lord of the Rings would ever make a decent crossover. Middle Earth and Vampires mixing? Come on! The idea is simply absurd.

But never the less, my official policy is to reserve judgment until I've at least given the idea a chance. So I did and I've been hooked since. This is seriously one of those stories that I drop everything for when an update rolls around.

We start out with a prologue. But this isn't just any prologue, its the prologue to end all prologues. Bella is just... sarcastic. She starts out telling us about herself, "Change. Growth. Mutated. Morphed. All these words pretty much mean the same thing, yet I don't like using any of them. None seem strong enough or long enough or complex enough to label why I am the way I am. Not to be narcissistic, but before we begin I need to explain a bit. Once you get to know me, you understand I wasn't born this way. I hope to God no one can be born the way I am now. Like some people would put it, I have layers. A hell of a lot more layers than when I got started."

From there, she elaborates on her family, the Cullens, and life post- Edward abandonment. And it is done in such a way that you are stuck somewhere between wanting to cringe at her blunt words and laugh at her odd descriptions. That is, until we come to the situation Bella found herself in at the latter half of the prologue. Then you just want to cry because it's incredibly heartbreaking even if it helps you gain a deeper understanding of her supposed layers.

Now lets fastforward 500 years into the future.
Bella's snark has grown by leaps and bounds. She's somehow  managed to contract what I'm sure is a form of Vampire ADD. She's also a trained, albeit unwilling, warrior of the Volturi. And Jacob is at her side annoying her with his not-so-talented renditions of classic rock legends. 

Sure, those things by themselves ensure that there is some form of hilarity to be found in the future chapters... but humor is not the only thing this story contains. It also has an amazingly well thought out plot. I never thought I would see the day where these two story realms could ever be meshed together in a plausible manner, but Aiobhinn manages to accomplish the impossible.

Not only does she manage to send Twilight characters into the realm of Lord of the Rings, but she manages to do so by creating an elaborate back story for the creation of vampires. One that actually makes so much sense its scary.

Of course, their creation also lands them a one way ticket to the Rivendell Council meeting and Middle Earth according to "Mr. Blue".
Now.. picture this scenario. Aro and his mate, Caius and his mate, the Cullens, Bella, Jacob, Jane, Felix, and a number of other Volturi Guard being transported to various places in a foreign world by Mr. Blue.

If that doesn't spell trouble, I don't know what does.

I'm not going to go into detail about what happens during this super secret council meeting or anything after, but suffice it to say that Bella is completely out of her element. Not only is she surrounded by beautiful people/elves which seriously screw up her attention span, she also has power-hungry Aro and his little lackeys to contend with as well.

Basically if it ever comes to blows between the people of Middle Earth and a sadistic Aro, Bella puts it best. 

"Alright, folks. Time for a weapons check. The twins, along with Glorfindel (no idea when he showed up…probably jumped down from whatever tree he had been climbing) who was at my right and another blonde elf (very yummy…mmmm…enough with the melting, Bella!) by Glorfindel, all had out their archery sets aimed at various points. Mysterious-man and another human male (this one with golden brown hair, shinier blue eyes, and heftier built…again, worthy of distraction) had their hands at their swords.

Oh, and one of the short people (the taller one with a long, red beard eating up most of his face) had a tricked-out axe raised.

Arrows, axes, and swords. Archaic choices. Respectable and effective if one knew how to use them properly. Sadly, virtually useless against a small horde of insulted vampires.

Yeah, if the you-know-what hit the fan. Guess who will be the one defending basically everyone?"

And I will leave you with that little snippet and say no more because you should give it a read yourself. You'll be surprised at the wonderful characters, interactions, and plot Aiobhinn has managed to create. Quite honestly, this story is one of those rare gems I've discovered in the fanfic world. It deserves many more reviews than the 92 it has managed to receive.

~Deep and Devastating~