We Wicked Goddesses will wade through the Harry Potter, Twilight, and Crossover fandoms to present you with our picks of the best of the best from each category.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Summary: Every great love story starts somewhere...even the fubar'd ones. A/U

Yeah. That's the entire summary. 

Admit it. Your intrigued.

Heck, I was too. When this story alert popped into my inbox wayyy back in May, my first thoughts centered somewhere around 'be a bit vague why don't you'.. However, sometimes less is more. By saying absolutely nothing in regards to the true content of the story, it caught my interest. Of course, the fact that the listed pairing just so happened to be Peter/Bella also held quite a bit of weight in the decision to explore further. 

I love me some Peter/Bella.

So, there I go..clicking away at that link while I hoped for the best, but expected something more along the lines of mediocre. Though that is a shameful thing to admit since givemesomevamp doesn't seem to do mediocre. At all.

I was hooked at the first sentence.

Who wouldn't be when the right out of the box, the author opens with, "So a vampire walks into a bar…. Now, I know what you're thinkin' - Is this the joke that ends with the gorilla and the priest gettin' it on in the men's room? To that I'd have to answer, "Hell no, you nasty fucker." This is the story of my path to my true mate."

And that, my dear readers, is only the beginning. At only six chapters in, the story is wonderfully written even though the time between updates is a bit lengthy. It starts out present day in a bar where Peter is attempting to woo the object of his desire via cheesy pick-up line.

It's a classic setting we can all relate too because, well, we've all been there once or twice. I give the author major props for making the meeting a realistic scenario. I hate when they meet somewhere entirely unlikely or just flat-out strange. It's one of the things that made me enjoy this story so much.

Then after Peter utters his line, we're suddenly thrust back 19 years into the past where we learn a bit about our main vamp and his personality. From there, we learn why he parts ways with Charlotte as well as a bit about his rather awkward sort of friendship with his brothers mate, the "evil sprite", Alice. 

As soon as we've been caught up on just what lead him to be in the bar, we actually find out why a vampire is attempting to pick-up a human.

The answer? A small wager.

The stakes?  Well, they go something like this:

"Simple. If you fail or bail, you get to be Alice's bag boy for forty-eight hours of her choosing." Simple, my ass. This fucker was tryin' to kill me and get out of gopher duty all at the same time. Damn, I hoped Tink hadn't given him some help on the outcome here.

"Fine. But if I win, no sex for a week, and that includes self-lovin'." I smirked as we shook on it. This would be like takin' eggs from a hen. Although, when his smirk expanded to a toothy grin, I got a little worried."

So, yeah... with stakes like those... I'm not going to go into any more detail because, well, that would totally ruin the absolute hilarity that ensues. Just be sure not to eat and/or drink anything while reading this story because insane bouts of laughter are a given. 

Oh... and be sure to keep a spare set of panties within arms reach. You'll need them once the sexxy time commences.
