We Wicked Goddesses will wade through the Harry Potter, Twilight, and Crossover fandoms to present you with our picks of the best of the best from each category.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where the Wicked Come to Play...

 If you're here then that must mean that you crave a blog that offers reviews and/or insight into stories from more than just one fandom or one main pairing. Well... you have definitely found the right place.

On this blog, we will explore a bit of everything. If dark, naughty, and dirty is your thing- well- we can do you that. If slash gets your motor revvin... well we can definitely do you a bit of that. If your more of the fluff, humor, and love sort we can do you that as well. We can even do you blood and gore if that fits your fancy.

We love it all.

No matter whether its from Twilight, Harry Potter, Criminal Minds, Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson, Buffy, or something else entirely- We Goddesses will read it as long as it has a decent plot.

We enjoy stories from all across the fandom; Therefore, we created seven daily segments for your enjoyment:
  • On Cheer-Up Monday one of our members will rec a story that has a healthy side of humor to help rid you of those beginning of the week blues.

  • Twilight Tuesday brings about a group rec. The four Goddesses read and review a story (any pairing) from the Twilight fandom.

  • On Sensual Wednesday another member will review the best, smuttiest fic (any fandom/any pairing) on their favorites list.

  • Harry Potter Thursday is another group rec. The four Goddesses will read and review a story (any pairing) from the Harry Potter fandom.

  • Crossover Friday is where a member will rec the best crossover (any fandoms/any pairing) on their favorites list.

  • On Sister-Site Saturday one of the Goddesses will rec a story from a fanfiction archive other than (see FanFiction Archives Page for detailed site listings)

  • Inspirational Sundays is where us Goddesses will let you, our fans, know what sort of music, pictures, or quotes have inspired us to write over the past week.
Once a month, we will also host special segments including:
  • An Author of the Month Interview where we get down and dirty with some of the best Authors in the fandom.

  • A Fluff of the Month award where Goddess Michelle Amethyst will feature a story she feels has the most outstanding and well written fluff.

So... all that's left to say is that we hope you enjoy what this blog will bring in the future. Official posting begins tomorrow, December 13,2010.

~The Wicked Goddesses will likely post content that is of the Mature variety. This blog is for the enjoyment of adults only. Once you turn 18, you can read and become as wicked as we are.~