Summary: Edward Cullen,25,the son of a Chicago mob boss. He is second-in-command, cold and dangerous. Bella Swan,18,small town girl who has just enrolled as a freshman at Northwestern. A story about how love can survive in the cruelest of worlds.Very OCC.Rated M.
We Goddesses have to admit that for our very first Twilight group rec, there was quite a bit of debate over which story to choose. It was not nearly as intense as the one involving Harry Potter...but intense none the less. Devastating actually contemplated strangling her fellow Goddesses as story ideas were tossed around between the four of via PM and Messenger for a good three days without any unanimous decisions.
In the end, Eskimo won both Devastating and Michelle over to the darkness of canon coupling by slipping the two a few banana flavored eskimo pies and whispering sweet nothings into their ears.
So without further ado, we each give you our thoughts on the Twilight story that we chose to rec above all others. Unfortunately, our dear Eskimo is extremely sick with a virus she caught while out and about in Korea. In between paying her respects to the porcelain god and sleeping for the past three days, she managed to type up a relatively short review of a story she loves so much. Just know that no matter the length of the review, she recommended this story with the highest praise.
~Banana Flavored Eskimo~
I absolutely adored this story. It has such an intense plot. The way the author detailed each character was incredible. He was really able to get into the mindset of each person and create a story that was truly enthralling. I highly recommend this story. It's a fantastic read and brilliant news - there will be a sequel in the future.
~Deep and Devastating~
Alright, I'm the first person to admit that I hate, no I abhor, canon coupling in the fandom. I read fanfiction so that I can explore characters I already know by giving them new and original relationships or actions. And I don't believe the majority of canon stories do that. I hate how they are always the same. Either the author decides they want to retell Twilight using nearly the exact same scenes as Stephanie Meyer or they focus on the epic sex-scene black-out and life after the almost battle in Breaking Dawn.
Why would I waste my time with that? I've read the Twilight Saga and I've read one or two stories focusing on the latter. Reading the same thing over and over just doesn't do it for me. At all.
Which is why it always comes as a great surprise when someone actually recommends a decent canon story to me. I think I have maybe come across ten of the Edward/Bella variety which have held my interest for more than five chapters.
Therefore, I'm willing to admit that I was very, very skeptical when Eskimo threw this story out into the pool of Twilight stories to Rec. I had never heard anything (good or bad) about it and while intriguing, the summary didn't offer much insight either. But I'm not ashamed to admit that I was still curious after hearing her praise it so highly... so I skedaddled on over and gave it a peek.
If the super long authors rant masquerading as a chapter hadn't of caught my interest, then the descriptive opening scene of the real first chapter- the prologue- sure as hell would have.
"Officer Jacob Black stood in the doorway and contemplated the huge pool of thick blood on the floor where Martin Langer was found. He turned and could see a similar pool where Tiffany Langer had lain. He pondered the extensive blood loss. It was a lot more than he was used to finding at shootings.
The blood was splattered on the furniture, on the carpet, on the white bed sheets, everywhere. The two pools had coagulated into a black and rusty-brown mass, which covered so much of the floor that the ambulance personnel had to walk through it, leaving tracks of footprints behind as they went around the house gathering evidence.
Black was wearing tennis shoes with pale blue booties over them. He let out a deep breath and the real crime scene investigation began.
There were only three people in the room, one was alive and two were dead.
The Langer's faces were blown off, making them unrecognizable and the whole room was a grave site, filled with a chilling air. Two technicians came into the bedroom, snapping photos and explaining scientific evidence like 'splatter distribution areas' and 'droplet velocity' but Black wasn't listening."
Yeah... what a way to start off a story. The visual I had was just.... no words could describe the blood encased scene I had created in my mind. It was so vivid that I've actually started contemplating whether or not I should start cutting down on watching television shows such as Bones, Criminal Minds, and CSI as well as horror movies. I must need to if I'm able to visualize something so grossly detailed.
Anyhoo, as soon as I read the prologue I realized that I was actually poised on the edge of my seat as I clicked the button for the next chapter. I was that damn excited about the potential this story held. No lie. The story line was so well developed, so original, and so intriguing that I read the entire fourty-four chapters plus two epilogues without stopping for anything more than the occasional potty or smoke break.
Now, as for my official review.
I'm not sure I can actually form adequate words to describe the story. I mean... I absolutely loved it. The author managed to bring something entirely different to the fandom. For example, Carlisle is a Mob Boss! Carlisle! If that isn't a deviation from canon, I don't know what is.
This is how Edward Jr. describes him, "It was strange to think of Carlisle as the head of any crime family because of his gentle nature. That's not to say that he hasn't killed a motherfucker or two but he only likes using violence when it's necessary."
That description just gives me all sorts of shivers. Though I'm not sure its whether the actual words or this mental image of Peter Facinelli that comes to mind.
That picture, to me, is what Mob Boss Carlisle would look like. Nuff said.
What I really love is that johnnyboy7 doesn't just throw us into the midst of this mafia scenario either. We actually get a well thought out back story that delves unimaginably deep into the life of mobsters. The scenes and scenarios created are awe inspiring. Really. All authors should aspire to write stories with such well developed plot and characters. That's one of the things I enjoyed most. I loved how we delved into the back story on Edward and his crime families personal interactions to develop good, solid characters before any of the good stuff started to happen.
I won't go into any further detail because I want you guys to go give it a read. Just be prepared for a story that completely deviates from the Twilight we've all come to love. The only things that stay relatively the same are the names of the characters and Bella's slightly canon personality. Everything else is so different that its sure to throw you for a loop.
'There Will Be Blood' is beautifully written, I doubt there will be any question about that. This story is publish-worthy when it comes to the quality of the spelling and grammar. And when you factor in the plot and the character development? As the stereotypical Italians say, 'fughettaboutit'. This is one of the best stories you will find on the net.
The story dives deep into a word of mob rule, so deep you wonder if the writer has Tony Soprano as a relative. It is a tantalizing read, that when I don't have a due date, I will most definitely be re-reading because I do think that the story is superb.
However, as a fanfiction, this story does not pass my three-paragraph test. Don't get me wrong, I have read dozens of stories out there where the Cullens are human, I have no problem with that. However, this story claims to be a Twilight fanfiction, but except for the names and the Quileutes as the cops (read: good guys) and the Cullens as the mobsters (read: bad guys) and a Bella that leans sort of towards in-character, this is no Twilight fanfiction. As much as I hate to write one bad word about such a beautiful story, I think that there should be fair warning out there to anyone who may decide to read this on our recommendations. Let me put it this way and be done with it, Carlisle Cullen, the sweet, gentle, never hurt a fly vampire Twilight fans have come to adore, as a ruthless mob boss. That is all.
All said and done, I would highly advise anyone who loves a good story to go and give this one a look-see. It is a crime drama, and since it deals with the mob it's not a happy-go-lucky crime drama. But that being said, as a crime junkie, this is a wonderful work of fiction. However, as a fan of fanfiction, I would rather have the author change the names, put this on Fiction Press, and try to get it published.
~Michelle Amethyst~
So, I was completely naughty when reading this story. I skipped around a bit to see if it was worth the read before actually devoting any real time to it. And it was. I quickly realized that 'There will be Blood' is unlike anything I've ever read of the All Human variety. Edward's ruthlessnes... well... who wouldn't be captivated by a man with enough gall to describe himself in the following manner while sitting in the midst of Sunday service?
"I was more like Great Grandpa Cullen. Ruthless. Menacing. Violent...I had never missed a Sunday of church but that was only because of Esme. I would love to sleep in or go work out during the hour of eight o'clock mass but she wouldn't hear of it. Whatever my mother wanted, she got. She was the sweetest woman on this planet, living in a word ruled by men who dominated chaos. She was also the only woman I ever loved and probably the only woman I would ever love.
I didn't do love. That was for pussy whipped suckers who had nothing better to do. I didn't do relationships either. Never did, never will. "
That was where it started for me. That's where I got sucked into the Cullen crime family drama. From that point on, I only grew more addicted to the characters that developed. My dark and twisted side loves a good amount of ruthlessness and blood in my stories, so this one definitely fit the bill.
After reading the story, I have no qualms with recommending it to all of you out there looking for something fresh... or just a taste of Darkward. However, I do want to advise you to be sure you have a solid five or six hours to dedicate to it before opening the first chapter since you won't want to stop once you start.